Elle Harikleia

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Thinking About: Waiting

This week I have been thinking about waiting. What is the difference between waiting patiently (always accompanied by patiently isn’t it?) and idling. If we can be more or less certain that things really do happen in the perfect timing, what is it about waiting that feels so challenging?

For me, waiting comes down to unpredictability. Implied in the waiting is that something is coming—but exactly what and when, we don’t know. And my, 2020, have you dealt a lot of cards covered with what we might not have now but hope to have in the future.

1 | Vaccine

Sentiment is starting to build that waiting around for a corona virus vaccine might not be the best approach. Instead, some are arguing that we need to get better at learning to live with the virus, given that vaccine development historically is noted as slow moving, and its administration, often even more challenging. Mask up people.

2 | Waiting for the Call: Jobs Edition

There is almost no longer stretch in life than waiting to hear back on a prospective job. Double that time if you’re unemployed and its a pandemic. My heart goes out to those of you on the hunt during this difficult year. The Muse reminds us what we should and shouldn’t be doing during that stretch, and some actionable tips for how to follow up.

3 | Waiting for the Call: Dating Edition

The next longest call (See #2) might be waiting for a call back from the person you’re virtually dating during a pandemic. Add Love in the Time of Corona Virus to your next Netflix binge list; a number of networks are jumping on this wagon.

4 | Waiting: The Psychological Take

Why is waiting for anything so hard? First, our attention spans have dropped to that of gnats. And if you’ve heard of the marshmallow test too many times, dazzle people with the actual explanation of delay discounting.

5 | One for the History Books

Dubious origins for the idea that patience is a virtue. This historical piety doesn’t sway me, but I am more inclined to practice patience given the number of touted benefits for being a generally more chill person in life—less stress, and an opportunity to flex our EQ muscles.